Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Living Like An Entrepreneur - Time Management

I recently posted the following quote on my Facebook profile:

"Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people wont so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t"

At the time I posted it I was looking for a good quote that exemplified the true nature of Entrepreneurship  As the week went on I couldn't stop thinking about the quote and what it meant. I repeated it over in my head more times than I can recall. I started to ask myself if I was exemplifying this status quo. Slowly I began examining my life, priorities and how I was going about my daily routine. It clicked that there were some areas of my life that I could be devoting more time to building my business.

My business is approaching 23 months in operation. I look back to the beginning 8 months where I spent hours upon hours working on the business; some nights even sleeping in the office. Sixteen hour days were the norm. Even today was a 13 hour day. As entrepreneurs we don't see it as work or count the hours on the time clock. We don't work a 9-5 but rather a start to finish.

If you're an entrepreneur and thinking of starting a business, time management is critically important. There have been countless days when the clock hits 6 pm and I realize that I didn't get done what I had intended that day because of the unexpected e-mails, phone calls and random tasks. If we don't set our priorities and have a to-do list to navigate through the day we end up wasting a lot of time.

As entrepreneurs we work tirelessly to make out dream come true, working hard in the beginning to pave the road to our future.

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