Thursday, November 29, 2012

From the Desk of Sean Royer: Major Announcement (Donald Trump Parody)

Here is a parody video I did of Donald Trumps Announcement he made on October 24th to President Obama. The Parody is a play on Hubspot; a marketing software we use within our organization at SyneCore Technologies.  The parody calls Hubspot as the least transparent marketing company...EVER. I am interrupted at the end of My Big Announcement only to hear that they are actually the MOST TRANSPARENT company. I had a lot of fun with the video and pretending to be Mr. Trump himself. Watch the video and enjoy!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Living Like An Entrepreneur - Time Management

I recently posted the following quote on my Facebook profile:

"Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people wont so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t"

At the time I posted it I was looking for a good quote that exemplified the true nature of Entrepreneurship  As the week went on I couldn't stop thinking about the quote and what it meant. I repeated it over in my head more times than I can recall. I started to ask myself if I was exemplifying this status quo. Slowly I began examining my life, priorities and how I was going about my daily routine. It clicked that there were some areas of my life that I could be devoting more time to building my business.

My business is approaching 23 months in operation. I look back to the beginning 8 months where I spent hours upon hours working on the business; some nights even sleeping in the office. Sixteen hour days were the norm. Even today was a 13 hour day. As entrepreneurs we don't see it as work or count the hours on the time clock. We don't work a 9-5 but rather a start to finish.

If you're an entrepreneur and thinking of starting a business, time management is critically important. There have been countless days when the clock hits 6 pm and I realize that I didn't get done what I had intended that day because of the unexpected e-mails, phone calls and random tasks. If we don't set our priorities and have a to-do list to navigate through the day we end up wasting a lot of time.

As entrepreneurs we work tirelessly to make out dream come true, working hard in the beginning to pave the road to our future.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Attitude is Everything- Positivity is Key

Everyday we wake up we have choices to make, some are automatic and some take some forethought and deliberation. Our attitude greatly effects the choices that we make and how we make them. I'm often faced with negative attitudes, comments and personality types. Honestly, it's flat out crippling to live life under all the negativity. Our attitude impacts not only ourselves, but others around us in the workplace and those we cross paths with on a daily basis. Take time out of your day to adjust your attitude to one that is positive; after all, our attitude is a choice.

Positive Thinking Is a Mindset 
For those naysayers that immediately are thinking well our attitudes are responses to the events and situations that happen I challenge you to think another way. Everyday we wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day. It's almost like hitting the reset button on the previous day. Imagine we wake up joyful and full of gratitude, meditating on positive thoughts. As we go about our day we hit every green light on the way to work, your boss is unexpectedly nice, your work day goes by without any hiccups and the day ends beautifully. You'd be in high spirits and at ease because nothing brought you down.

Now, reverse the situation and imagine you stubbed your toe getting out of bed, got a flat tire that made you late to work and none of your appointments went as planned. Your day is ruined, you have a negative attitude and your hating every bit of the day. When will it end?

Try taking a positive look at everything that happened that day to get you thinking in the right direction. You stubbed your toe but you're thankful that you didn't break it. The flat tire made went flat but luckily it did not blow out and no one got hurt. The meetings didn't go as planned but give you a challenge to succeed on the next one and you gave it your best.

Life does not stop because we are in a bad mood or something went wrong it keeps going forward. There are going to be good days and bad, better and worse, excellent and terrible but it's how you deal with those bad days that defines who you are and your happiness in life. Remember that in life we are never done learning. Life teaches us lessons in ways we never thought possible. Look for the positives in every situation and prosper from them.

I have a saying that I live by "IT'S A FEEL GOOD DAY." What it means is that no matter what your day brings you and what comes your way you have to channel the positive energy to better your life and others around you. Those that are close to me know that for every negative that is thrown out 2 positives must be said to counteract the negative vibes. You may think it's nerdy, but it teaches us to look at the positives and promote a positive energy that creates an electrifying atmosphere for all. We are all here on this earth to help each other out. That help can be in many forms such as holding the door, smiling or asking if someone needs help. These random acts are contagious and they don't have to be done on a grand level.

We are amazing humans with powerful abilities to influence each other, let's promote positive energy to better the workplace and each other.